டுவின்சிட்டீஸ் தமிழ் பாடசாலை
Greetings from your Twin Cities Tamil Paadasalai.
TCTP Tamil school registration for the year 2024-2025 is now open!
The Fees details for this academic year is as given below:

Not an Active TCTA Member ? Buy New TCTA Membership
NOTE: For Rochester residents, we need to have membership from Rochester Tamil Sangam to attain membership discount.
There are few steps to follow to start your registration. Please read and follow the below steps carefully for 2024-25 school registration.
- Register NEW or RETURNING student in the CTA website: California Tamil Academy (catamilacademy.org)
- Once registration is completed in CTA website, Please note the Student ID of the registered Kid from the registered email received.
- Verify your TCTA membership before making Zelle payment to get member discounts.
- Make Payment based on above fees via Zelle to “finance@tctpmn.org” .
Please make sure we don’t send the fees to “finance@tctamn.org” - If you are paying for more than 1 kid, you can multiply the fees by no.of kids and pay total amount in single transaction via Zelle.
- Once the payment is completed, please note down the Transaction Id and Date for your Zelle Payment.
- Enter payment record in this form for students you have paid through Zelle: TCTP – Online Registration Payment Form
- It will take 2-4 days for the Payment to reflect in our system, and we will update the registration details via email once the Payment is confirmed.
The School branches and its location are given below:

Frequently Asked Questions
The CTA website doesn’t include any TCTA Member discount or Early Bird Discount. SO it will show the regular school fees of $180 in their site or Registration email you received. TCTP will handle the discounts provided.
The CTA website registers the student to Eagan Branch by default irrespective of any branch you have chosen. TCTP will assign the students to their respective branch before the School starts and a communication will be sent to parents for change in branch. In case of any further update needed, Parents can reach out to TCTP to update the branch.